More About Myself

Friday 3 May 2013


Having to work the morning of the day I was to fly to Thailand knocked my excitement a bit until that moment I was stood clocking out of work it eventually hit me, I WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO THAILAND! There were no nerves at this point just pure excitements. After 20 hours of travelling after 3 horrible plane meals and after meeting a lovely half Thai, half Irish little girl and her father on the plane I was finally in Thailand. I was met by the guide of the trip and went in a taxi to the hostel. It was about 8pm at this point, and seeing Bangkok at night was just stunning, with the buildings all lit up they shone so you could see them from all over the city, this was also when I realised just how crazy the taxi drivers, I remember thinking if I was to die whilst I was over here I bet it would be in a car accident! They are mental, I’m sure they don’t have to take any sort of test to be able to drive, it was pretty scary. I arrived at the hostel to see the rest of my group all sat down together it was pretty daunting because the majority had been together most of the day so I was the new one. I was shown to my room then I quickly got changed and we headed straight out for something to eat then drinks. It was a quality night out, to sum it up, I ate a scorpion, saw a lot of lady boys  danced in the middle of Khao San Road, met some pretty odd people, witnessed my 19 year old male friend buy a angry bird balloon and hug it all the way back to the hostel, for then the two lads I was with to do a fashion show of their newly bought harem trousers. Pretty unforgettable first night.