More About Myself

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Overnight Buses and Elephants.

So after a not so enjoyable overnight bus journey, with no sleep and being scared for my life because the driver was a complete maniac! They seriously can not drive in Thailand, I honestly don't think they know what a driving license actually means! So we arrived at a petrol station where we were to wait for our next mode of transport, which was a big version of the tuktuk we went in Bangkok, these actually had more room so we could all fit our rucksacks in too, this was also the first glimpse of the Thai New Year too, as there were children throwing water in our direction all the time, driving through the rolling hills and rice fields for our scenery we go to out desination, the worlds best guest houses ever, set in the jungle was just the first bonus, the next we found out when we were sitting down to breakfast, we had the best cook ever, it was the sweetest little lady ever, she was so accommodating to us all, next we saw where we were staying, it was like a tree house it had a magical feeling and look about it, trees towered over you, but left enough view to stare at the clear starry sky at night. So after no sleep and a wonderful breakfast we had time to clean up and get ready for the elephants! I was so incredibly excited! This was the main feature of the trip that sold me. So after a quick tuktuk journey we were now acquainted with our elephant trainer Chi, who was such a lovely guy, who could speak a bit of English and was really trying to explain facts about the elephants, our guide Nom could properly tell us what he was trying to say. We all got a turn to get onto the elephant, this was surprisingly scary, you don't expect how high up you are on an elephant! We learnt the commands to tell the elephant and fed it bananas which as you can tell by my expression was so exciting!We then partnered up and rode down to a river where we played with the elephants and gave them a wash, it was so surreal, I was sat on an elephant in Thailand, life couldn't get much better that that! After a few hours with the elephants we headed back to where we were staying, to freshen up and then have the most beautiful meal I had had so far, we then ordered a few drinks and our elephant trainer joined us and taught us some drinking games, we played jenga and tried teaching Chi how to play ring of fire, don't think he quite grasped the rules, but he tried! We ended the evening by being told off for making too much noise. 

Saturday 15 June 2013

Bicycles and Temples.

Feeling a little worse for wear, we headed to Ayutthaya where we would hire out some bikes and cycle round temple ruins, this was enjoyable at first, bit tiring it the scorching heat but was something different, until we headed to the second to last temple, the guide was on a motorbike and was supposed to be leading the way, we were at the front of the group and he had just gestured for us to go straight on whilst he checked the people at the back, so we went straight on, and ended onto a high way, know i don't even drive so never had to deal with this situation in a car let alone on a bicycle, so it was scary to say the least then we saw the next obstacle, a massive incline, we were tired already and this was just the last straw, we cycled up it eventually made it up the hill, god knows how, i think i was probably taking up a whole lane swerving all over the place, then we finally saw the downhill part, and did not peddle at all, due to the light headed feeling, one of my group was seeing dots, and then one of the other girls passed out, but not before she got of the bike and put it on it's stand. Now the ruins were okay, not as pretty as the actual temples, but interesting. After the ordeal I did not think I was going to be able to make it to the next temple, so we all stopped for some food, in a restaurant that had no air con just one fan, that we took it turns to stand by it, think the waiters thought we were a bit odd! So we set off to the last temple, this one wasn't a ruin but a lovely looking temple, just when we thought we were going to be cycling a different way the guide headed on to the high away again, my legs went to jelly and I couldn't make it. I just wanted to head back to the hotel at this point, and what a relief it was when we did, The hotle we stayed at was lovely, big room with a nice bathroom with an actual flush (bonus) this was a great night, where alot of us bonded over painting nails and chatting, just getting to know each other, my room mate at this time was a girl called Kayla from Scotland, she's a great laugh and we got on great, we were heading off to bed, when we were just chatting and ended up staying up until about 1 in the morning. The next day we had an easy day where we could just chill and explore the small town of Ayutthaya, then at night we were to set off on a overnight bus to Chiang Mai. 

Friday 14 June 2013

One day in.

So the second day was pretty exciting, I was in a complete different environment with a bunch of strangers, who's names I was not remembering very well. So we were waiting to set off to the first temple we were going to look at when we got stopped by a group of girls with their school teacher, they were from Thailand but not from Bangkok and were asking for a photo with all of us. This was at first a bit strange but also flattering, never before had any of us been in that situation.  
So after photos we headed off to the first temple, they all were beautiful and made you think how on earth did they make them so beautiful, but honestly when you are on the third temple you start to get a bit bored, this is when I bonded the most with one of the girls who turned out to live in the same city as me and we ended becoming very good friends, there will be more of her to come. So we finished looking at the temples, we saw a lot of other tourists and one certain tourist we spotter had a very odd fashion. This we thought was a mix between a welders helmet and a visor, on the large size don't you think?

We headed off to our next excursion, we got on long tail boat ride around the waterways of Bangkok, we were in small groups for this so it was a good chance to get to know people, and it also was an eyeopener for all of us, as you could easily tell the difference between homes and holiday homes on the side of the riverbanks, there was a upsetting contrast between the conditions, you could not imagine how someone walks on the planks without them falling through. Our boat trip ended, and we were returning to our hostel, who else to travel back but by a TukTuk, this was one of the scariest experiences I have ever had, because the drivers knew we were all part of the same group they started to race each other, and this wasn't just country roads, this was on the main roads of Bangkok, we were literally centimeters from a massive truck, and buses. I thought drivers in England were bad, but they are amazing drivers compared to TukTuk drivers, our driver was also taking the mick out of us screaming, which made me even more on edge!