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Wednesday 27 February 2013


Finally after weeks of waiting for pay day to come along so I could book my flights the day was here I had money! Yet when i went to book my flights the prices had gone up by at least £100. As you can probably guess I wasn't the happiest person in the world! So after filtering through many flight sites day after day I finally gave up and just paid the ridiculous prices. 

Now my rant begins about flight prices.

If they are able to see flights at lower prices then surely they could keep doing that constantly and not have to raise the prices up when the dates of flying get nearer, obviously I know they want to get more money but I just think it is stupid partially because of the price I have just had to pay for my flight which i £207 dearer than the lowest price i found,  Also another thing that just simply confuses me, why do the actually airline websites charge so much more than comparative websites, you would expect it to be the other way round really. 

I'll end my rant there but i'm not happy with Ethiad. So the flight best go smoothly and I best get treated nicely or they won't have a happy customer. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Dreaded Injections

I dislike needles very much so I originally kept putting off ringing the doctors to make my appointment for the injections, ideally I should of been braver and called sooner because now I have to have three lots of injections over 5 weeks which kind of sucks for me! But anyway booked the appointment and have not been looking forward to the day arriving especially knowing i have to go one my own! But I soldiered on and went, i'm having to have the Hepatitis A + B all in one which made the injection feel like it took minutes and minuets, after i had had it done, I thought I had been a wuss and made such a fuss over nothing but a small prick, but whilst i'm sat typing this I have a lovely aching right arm which is really starting to hurt but it is a great excuse to nothing all day! 

38 days to go and i'm still really excited!Still got lots to organise but i'm getting there!