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Friday 22 February 2013

Dreaded Injections

I dislike needles very much so I originally kept putting off ringing the doctors to make my appointment for the injections, ideally I should of been braver and called sooner because now I have to have three lots of injections over 5 weeks which kind of sucks for me! But anyway booked the appointment and have not been looking forward to the day arriving especially knowing i have to go one my own! But I soldiered on and went, i'm having to have the Hepatitis A + B all in one which made the injection feel like it took minutes and minuets, after i had had it done, I thought I had been a wuss and made such a fuss over nothing but a small prick, but whilst i'm sat typing this I have a lovely aching right arm which is really starting to hurt but it is a great excuse to nothing all day! 

38 days to go and i'm still really excited!Still got lots to organise but i'm getting there! 

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