More About Myself

Wednesday 3 July 2013

More Elephants and a Trek I Won't Forget.

Second day with the elephants was just as amazing as the first, Chi tried making us get on the elephants some strange ways, like crawling up the elephants trunk, I passed on this because I would of felt sorry for the elephant! We were going on an elephant trek, somehow it felt higher up than the day before, but thankfully heights don't bother me too much. We set off but we were soon interrupted and had to alter the trek because the original route had a forest fire, this was quite scary being in the jungle surrounded by trees, it hadn't rained for months there so it could quite easily of spread but luckily for us it didn't it was just a small one. Going uphill on an elephant is a terrifying experience, never have I held on to a piece of rope as tight as I was that moment, going downhill I could cope with! We had a well behaved elephant that day unlike one of the others, whose elephant just wanted to go and eat all the time! After the trek we headed down to the river again, and splashed around with the elephants, and got to do a few tricks with the elephants.

After a good nights rest we were waking up to the knowledge that we were going on a trek into the hills today and would be staying overnight in a bamboo hut the trekking back down the morning after with a few stops at some waterfalls, I don't mind walking, but in the high temperatures we would be walking in I was having some serious doubts whether to do it or not, up until the night before I was adamant that I would not be trekking and would pay to get the truck up to the site where we were staying, but it was after a couple of drinks that I decided I would do it, because when would I get the chance again to do something like this in Thailand. So I did it, and it was horrible. I honestly wished I had just got the truck up, it was not one bit enjoyable to me, and obviously this is a person opinion because some people on the trip really enjoyed it, I just didn't. We were told we would only be walking for about 2 hours, this turned into about 5. We stopped at the waterfalls, and being so miserable I didn't even enjoy them properly. Whilst walking I would put my sunglasses down and just cry, that shows just how much I didn't like it. I'm not a drama queen or a diva I was just being made to walk at mid day in the scorching sun on a path which at times was no wider than a foot, with a drop down to god knows what. 
Majority of people in the group helped me and tried to cheer me up, and even when we got to the end on of the girls asked if I felt a sense of achievement after doing it, i shook my head and she just burst out laughing, I had to join her laughing otherwise I would of cried, I was that drained and exhausted. 

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