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Saturday 11 October 2014

Volunteering In Tanzania

I am going to be Volunterring in Arusha, Tanzania help out at a children's centre that supports, teaches, feeds, clothes and cares for orphans and children so have nothing. the organiasation is call Living Water Children's Centre.
This is a plea for help, I don't have many followers on this blog but if any one that see's this page donates a couple of pound to this amazing cause that I am going to be visiting in March 2015 to help it would mean a great lot to me! 
Go to my youcaring page and donate what you can, you will be helping brings supplies to the children as well as helping myself be able to go and volunteer. Thank you.

Friday 26 September 2014

Dublin Zoo and Temple Bar

After a nice relaxed evening we woke up to a lovely day with thankfully no rain. After the most delicious breakfast at the hotel we headed on a short walk to Dublin Zoo, I felt like a little kid as we got closer to the zoo, I was so excited after not being to a zoo in years and having a love for animals my perfect day was about to begin. 

I do not agree with zoo's where the animals look cooped up, but Dublin zoo is anything but, it is the biggest zoo in Europe and all with in the beautiful grounds of Phoenix Park. 
It was great to see huge enclosures and the animals being looked after very well.It was great to see that some of the animals were even in the same enclosures, such as giraffes, zebras, rhinos and ostriches'.

You can spend hours looking at one enclosure, walking past the rhino's just as we were about to carry on to the next enclosure the rhino's started to fight, it was so interesting noticing the ways they communicate. 

The cutest animals there in my opinion were the penguins and the red pandas. Walking past the Red Panda's you couldn't even notice that the panda was there i just thought it was an empty enclosure, it was so open you wouldn't of imagined that there was an animal even there, it was asleep at first and we caught a glimpse when it was waking up and yawning, the moment it was stretching was a ridiculous amount of cuteness! I wanted to take the ball of fluff home with me.                                                
We headed back to the hotel after the best day at the zoo! To relax before our romantic evening celebrating our 1 year anniversary, we were heading to a beautiful Italian restaurant  which was in Temple Bar. We both got dolled up for the evening, we decided to walk along the river side to get to Temple Bar. Temple Bar is one of my favourite places I have been, after staying there for my 18th Birthday with my best friend a few years back it was lovely to go back, the atmosphere alone is just worth going for, the buskers playing out in the streets, seeing so many people piling into a pub to listen to the live musicians. We had the most perfect evening. Couldn't believe it was our last night in Dublin, we didn't want it to end. 

Friday 19 September 2014

Arrived in Dublin.

After a very quick flight from Manchester to Dublin, which only took us 30 minutes we had arrived, it wasn't the best weather but it wasn't raining so couldn't complain. After grabbing a bit to eat we headed to our hotel. Of course the day i had chosen to fly is the day of a big hurling match so we were greeted with traffic and road shut off that would of got us to our hotel so much quicker, so begrudgingly parting with €45 we were finally at our beautiful hotel. We were staying
at the Ashling Hotel, which was a stunning hotel, with amazing food. We were staying in a Deluxe King size Room, which was just perfect, we even had our own little balcony over looking the Guinness Factory, which we later visited. We were just around the corner from Phoenix Park which is the biggest park in Europe and has it's own zoo which of course we visited. 

We dropped our bags off and decided we would walk around a bit before we could properly check in, no more than a two minute walk we spotted a museum, at first I was not very enthusiastic about going, but when we were there and finding out there was a whole section on the war history made it a whole lot better, both me and John (my boyfriend) find history on war fascinated so it was a perfect unexpected visit. 
Part of the museum is actually in a old army barracks called Collins Barracks.
It was just my luck that I had left my camera  back at the hotel not expecting to be in such an interesting place. 

After are little trip out we headed back to the hotel to go and jump on our ridiculously big bed and have a little rest, before heading down to the hotel restaurant where we had the most delicious meal, both having steak which was the best steak i had ever eaten with a lovely crème brûlée. 

Sunday 10 August 2014

Unfinished Work

So a few life problems got in the way and distracted me of my blog, but I have now finished my first year of university and am currently working throughout the summer at a children's nursery. I am feeling I need to get back into my blogging because i enjoyed sharing my experiences on this little online world and i find writing such a good way to de-stress and be creative. You are probably thinking what has this got to do with travelling, well I have a little adventure coming up, it's not as far away or as long as my Thailand trip, but I am exploring Dublin with my boyfriend next weekend. So there will be more posts to follow. So excited to go back to Ireland, having some family over there we went when I was little with my family, and then I revisited with my best friend for our 18th birthdays which is nearly three years ago. My boyfriend has never been so it is going to be lovely to show him a City I completely love.