More About Myself

Friday 13 March 2015

Shopping in Arusha

We spent the whole day shopping today, from 10am to 5pm we went around different shops and markets. It was so interesting to see the contrast in culture when we were shopping for fruit and veg all the stall holders would swarm around us trying to sell us their produce. It was a strange feeling to be the only white people that were in the market, I wouldn't have wanted to go there on my own, it would have been a daunting experience if I went there by myself. Thankfully Deo cam with us to make sure we didn't get ripped off by the locals. In the evening we went to a club called Viva Viva which was a lot of fun. It was definitely contrast to a night out in England and the attention white people get over here is insane, I would never have expected to get the attention we did but all in all was a great night and didn't get back to the house until 4am and had to be up at 7:30 to head out to Yakini that morning.                                                                   Getting ready for our first night                                                                                                      out in Arusha

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