More About Myself

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Cooking Spaghetti Bolognase for the Children

After a relaxing Sunday morning, we headed up to the center to prepare the food we were going to be cooking. We had decided to cook for the children and the staff at the center. I believe the children had tried spaghetti bolognese before, but it was a nice change form their usual food. Cooking without any electricity was an experience, we had a huge pot and a fire, cooking for nearly 50 people was a first for myself too. After a good few hours of cooking it was ready to serve up to the children, they absolutely loved it, the boys were the first ones for seconds. It made me realise how easy we have it, being able to turn on a tap and we have heat to cook with, we don't have to go and collect fire wood and have to deal with smoke that burns your eyes. We are so blessed and so many people don't realise it. 


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