More About Myself

Thursday 15 August 2013

Volunteering at A Thai Orphage

We had an early start, we had some walls to build. So the Orphanage that we were helping out at were moving to a bigger site, which we were going to help build, the organisation that I went with do this every month with each group, the group before us had put toilets in and our job was to make the cubicle walls. It was hard work, in the heat with hardly any shade to cool down in but it was well worth it. Knowing that the beautiful children would have better facilities to grow up in and more room so the Orphanage can help more children was heart warming, some of the children came to the site which was the best kind of motivation we could possibly of had. After the first day of grafting, we headed back to where we were staying and freshened up before we set of to the Orphanage to spend the evening with children.
We arrived and immediately they would run up and grab you hand wanting you to play, the boys were more playful than the girls, and with the majority of the boys being younger they just wanted to run around and play football which was the most fun! Most of the Orphans are here because of the Burmese war, one little boy was saved from a fire where his parents sadly didn't survive, he has a number of scars from his past, for now they are physically but i'm sure when he gets older they will be emotional scars too, that why them being in the Orphanage surrounded by love and warmth of the people in charge and the other children his life is made that much better, they are a family, and one that I was lucky to spend time, I will never forget any of the children.
We were out playing with them until it was pitch black, we had tea, then played inside for a bit longer too, the fascination with phones and cameras is just delightful, they are items we do take for granted but they bring such joy to these children because it is something out of the ordinary for them. 
The little boy that was in the fire, he had my camera and took LOTS of photos, its incredible just how quickly they learn how to do things, I would wipe the lens then a few minutes later he would be copying me, I taught him once how to zoom in and he got it straight away, i got some beautiful photos from him, which I will treasure. 
My next post is going to be a selection of photos from the volunteering.   

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