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Sunday 8 February 2015

One month until Tanzania

Today is exactly one month until embark on a sixteen hour, 6,872 mile journey from Manchester airport to Kilimanjaro airport to take part in a three week volunteer opportunity through my university. I'll be working with Living Water Children's Centre and i am so excited to get there and start. I have volunteered before in Thailand at a orphanage for a couple of days and wished i could of stayed much longer so i am thoroughly looking forward to spending a longer time volunteering. I have been trying to volunteer to be able to go on this adventure and i am so close to my target! 

For anyone wanting to volunteer in Tanzania a heads for you is that you have to get two Visa's wish come to around £170, when we first chose or charity to volunteer through we weren't that clued up on the visa system so finding out we had to pay that much was bit of a shock. 

I've linked my fundraising page just in case any of you sympathies with me and know how difficult it is to fund raise when you're a student trying to hold down a job too!

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