More About Myself

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Church and Baking cookies.

Every Sunday the children attend church, I was so keen to learn more about their culture and this would be the perfect way to get a better insight. Church started at 10am we met the children at the church they were all dressed smartly and already sat down, now their church could easily of been mistaken for a emptying building, the churches in England are mostly quite grand building which you would be able to notice was a church straight away, this was not the same in Tanzania but still they made it look lovely with colourful material behind the alter. It was a lovely atmosphere, we were welcomed but the church and we were asked to introduce ourselves and say where we were from. There was plenty of singing and dancing and it was such a blessing to see them so happy. After a couple of hours the children have a short Sunday school lesson, I sat in with the younger ones and they sand some more songs and recited some passages from the Bible. We then went back to the house for lunch which was Pilau (rice and meat) this was one of my favourite meals. At around 3 in the afternoon we did some baking at the house,then once we finished the baking all the children would come down and we would watch a film. It was lovely, hearing their laughter and smiles watching the film, this was a treat for them and it mainly only happens when there are volunteers to do it with them. It was Mother's day back home, and we were currently watching Despicable Me 2 in Africa surrounded by
beautiful children, there was a moment in the film where a little girl sings a mother's day song but she doesn't have a mum, at that very moment I looked around at all the children around me and started to tear up, I thought about how all of these children have either been mistreated, rejected, abandoned, or left on their on due to death, yet they have smiles on their perfect faces and are some of the happiest children I have had the pleasure of coming across. 

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