More About Myself

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Lazy Saturday and Goodbyes.

When Saturday came around we were shattered, getting used to the heat and the early starts had taken it's toll on us, so we had a relaxing morning, tidying are room so we were a bit more organised and reading in the sun which was a lovely way to start the day. A bit later on the children came and joined us at the house as one of the volunteers Marie who is a regular at Living Water and donates a lot towards the developments was leaving so the family had organised for a cook to come in a put together a wonderful spread before she went. The food was simply amazing it was the best we had so far it was a lovely treat for us all. Watching the children eat such good food was a lovely thing to witness, don't get me wrong they have good food at the center and they have big portions! But it was nice to see them get some meat which they don't really tend to get. They sang and danced a goodbye song for Marie which was lovely to see. One of the family members had a 3 or 4 month old baby and the children just loved holding baby Nathan, they were so gentle and careful with him, and of course I had to have a hold of him! After the celebration we headed up to the center and took wool up so the children could make bracelets. The amount of times a child would start a bracelet then have to go do some chores and then would come back a while after to continue the bracelet saddened me. It would be lovely to take away all the chores that the children have to do but that's their routine and they just get on with it, which I admire about them so much, on a daily basis they clean their clothes, fold their clothes, clean the center which includes sweeping the floors, mopping the floors, picking up twigs and leaves, cleaning the toilets and showers, cleaning the classrooms and their bedrooms as well as get their homework done and have a bit of time to play. Children in England do not know how lucky they have it, they would not last one day if they switched lives with one of the children I was with. 

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