More About Myself

Wednesday 27 March 2013


So I have finally spent the day organising my clothes and they all fit into my rucksack - luckily! I have probably over packed a little bit but better to be safe than sorry!
6 Days until i fly now, getting really excited just need to get a few last toiletries mainly the first aid essentials! 

Its odd trying to pack for the first time travelling I don't know how much is enough of everything, I know I'll be able to get things whilst i'm out there but i don't want to have to waste the time whilst i'm out there shopping when all i'll want to be doing is exploring, but I am staying an extra night just so I can get a bit of shopping in! I'm still a woman after all! :D Next post will probably be the night before I fly or whilst am at the airport! How exciting.

Friday 15 March 2013


So there are 18 days to go and I couldn't be any more excited! But the reality of the whole trip is starting to hit me, not only because I have been watching a charity programme that mentions alot about Malaria, okay that has a part to play in it, but the fact that I am going to be sharing this experience with 22 other people who I have only ever talked to on Facebook. I am looking forward to the experience and I just know it is going to be AMAZING, but i'm starting to worry about the little things. 

This will of happened to everyone but when an event happens in your life for example a death of a friend, then everything you watch or hear about for the next couple of weeks is about someone dying it just always seems to happen and the same is happening with this trip. I've seen alot of programmes on telly that are about Thailand and aren't very positive believe me with titles like 'Trouble in Thailand' doesn't give you much confidence, but I keep telling myself that there are bad parts of places where ever you go in the world even in my home town so I should't let this worry me, I should use it in a positive way and make sure I don't let my guard down whilst i'm out there and I should use other people's experiences to help me make mine the best it possibly could be! 

So i seem to have just convinced myself that everything is going to be okay! 
Now to stress over clothes! I was organising them today and realised that I need to go on another shopping trip to get a lot more! Any excise to go shopping! 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Travelling Group

So I have been in touch with the majority of people that I will be travelling with, there is 23 of us in the group, 3 guys the rest girls, the lads are just a little bit outnumbered, but sure they won't mind being surrounded by 20 girls! 
It's so exciting speaking to everyone. Knowing that I was going to be given everyone's emails a month before we go was a time marker for me, so now with only 20 days too go it all feels very real! 

Talking to everyone else is so useful to, people have mentioned things I hadn't even thought of so very grateful to have the chance to speak to everyone beforehand. 

I've had two thirds of my injections now, the last one is in about 5 days time, I 'll be glad to have that over and done with. 

Tomorrow I am dedicating my day to organising my clothes and might even start packing, because i'm actually starting to get anxious that I have hardly done any preparation for it, but I know i'll be fine as long as I don't forget anything too important like my passport!