More About Myself

Wednesday 27 March 2013


So I have finally spent the day organising my clothes and they all fit into my rucksack - luckily! I have probably over packed a little bit but better to be safe than sorry!
6 Days until i fly now, getting really excited just need to get a few last toiletries mainly the first aid essentials! 

Its odd trying to pack for the first time travelling I don't know how much is enough of everything, I know I'll be able to get things whilst i'm out there but i don't want to have to waste the time whilst i'm out there shopping when all i'll want to be doing is exploring, but I am staying an extra night just so I can get a bit of shopping in! I'm still a woman after all! :D Next post will probably be the night before I fly or whilst am at the airport! How exciting.

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